Sales Org.

The sales organisation of ENTPROMED is designed to be considering various purchasing conditions of different types of international medical buyers.

ENTPROMED products are available in many countries to be provided by our local contracted medical distributors. Please contact our Export Department to get further contact details of our partner distributor closest to your location.

In case we don’t have any distributors or agencies in your country, please reach out to our Sales Department to purchase our products to be delivered by air courier partners which will provide pre-eminently economic and fastest transportation to your location. Local wholesalers or even purchasers of hospitals can order in small quantities as well, only by contacting our Sales Department.

As a solution provider for all companies, big or even for smaller type of organisations which would like to sell or use ENTPROMED products, you are more than welcomed always to reach out to our Sales Department as well, via direct mobile numbers or using direct e-mail address.

For international business development services, our export department will always be at your disposal facilitating all the conditions of our cooperation.

Both Sales & Export Departments know the importance of promptly given replies in our era.

As per our company communication principles, all responses to all inquiries are responded in a short while (mostly within 24 Hours) by our experienced sales team.

We are all conscious of the fact that ENTPROMED products must always be ready before the surgery without any exception!